Schedule Password Reset Add-on is the extension to Mass User Password Reset Plugin that lets you automatically reset the password. Mass User Password Reset plugin helps you reset the multiple user passwords from the WordPress backend. This Add On lets you schedule the password reset on daily, weekly or monthly basis and automatically send the password update emails. It works with both Mass User Password Reset (Free) and Mass User Password Reset Pro plugin. You can also utilize all the default filters and features along with this add on features. If you are using a free version of the Mass User Password Reset plugin, there is something more for you. It removes the limit of 100 users for the Mass User Password Reset plugin. You can use the plugin for unlimited users with this module.
If you are looking to test the schedule password reset you can also check that with 5 minutes or 10 minutes. Just add the below line in to wp-config.php and test mode with 5 or 10 minutes will be available for you.
define( 'SPR_DEV_MODE', true );